Monday 28 July 2014

The bigger picture

Life on earth is challenging, it can be hard, adventure & can be loads of fun. We all have our highs and lows.

We all faces challenges -
How we live our lives on earth will impact our life in eternity the end of the world - possessions will burn up the only thing that we can take into heaven one day is people.This should therefore show our priority? 

Like with any good family they love you through the good and the bad times, when you mess up and 
when you do well.

In a family there are boundaries, rules/guidelines, there’s discipline, challenges, and then there are amazing times of unconditional love, provision, spoils/treats, encouragement, growth and so much more.  Thank you Lord for my amazing family and friends. 

I am so blessed with an amazing mother & mom-in-law. I am so fortunate. Some of you may have 
grown up in families like this but others maybe not.  My own mother lost her mom at 9 years old. 

My mom-in-law lost hers at 25. 

I admire the way they have gotten through  life the way they have, without a mommy, goodness am I blessed. Thank you Lord. 

We have a responsibility to love one another.
Gods 2 most important commandments are: 
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind and the 
second greatest command is to love your neighbour as yourself.  
Love must be sincere
Hate what is evil, cling to what is good
Be devoted to one another in love
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer
Practice hospitality

Bless those who persecute you, bless & do not curse
Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn
Live in harmony with one another

Watch this AWESOME Clip

It's actually a Thai financial investment advert.

But it’s about an ordinary guy who quite simple does ordinary things daily – he loves those living 
around him – he doesn’t expect to get anything back in return.
His day starts off bad yet his attitude doesn’t change, he doesn’t allow his circumstance to change 
him, he gives to those who can never repay him, he lives simply – he does small things but eventually he sees the fruit of his efforts – those whose lives had been enriched through him in-turn made a 
difference to others. They catch his love.

We can’t take possessions with us to heaven but we can take people with us.

Be patient with one another
1 corinthians 13 

Getting back to the Bigger picture.
 I rent , I have a teeny car, I'm a stay at home mom, I have very little money, but I am super wealthy& filled with a very happy heart. I wouldn't want it any other way.
 I have a wonderful hard working husband,

I have a Super God who has blessed me countless times,

 I am blessed with super friends,

A loving church
and the most unselfish helpful in laws,

the most giving, loving parents

and a wonderful son
A son, my husband can provide enough for in order to give him a happy start.
Thank you G,  for all your hard work, extra hours and for helping make our little house, a huge Home.


Oh yes for sure there are those days, actually many of them , doubts, stresses and fears, but thank goodness we can take a super deep breath and remember 
where we came from 
& appreciate where we are now.

God Bless, hugs,

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