Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Be you ....

Good morning, as the rain falls here in Cape Town, I finally get to squeeze in a dash of time to complete this blog post.
Waking the news of the Australian cricketer passing away at the tender age of 25 and a dear friends :life long friend passing away too leaving a wife and 4 year..... My heart is so sad for them, I pray Gods amazing peace on them all.

I'm so grateful I haven't watched, seen , nor read the latest post of the traumatic nanny cam episode, but what I've been told, shattered my heart in pieces .... 
My little heart can't cope with these stories, but Thank The Lord He is in it and we can turn to him in everything, it also puts all our lives I to perspective, it shows us to count very blessing we have, and appreciate everything, everyone, everyday.
Last night  in our comm group we had to write our than for everything we have been blessed with or continue to be blessed with and what a list mine was. I'm so excited to see what every new day brings, beyond excited actually, 

But it hasn't been all peaches and cream. We all have our little struggles, but our attitudes are the ones  that depict the outcome. 
I've had to succumb to reading and gaining strength and extra strength for my little strong willed, strong minded, physically strong, love able, blessing  of  our gift from God . 

Everyday is a continuous discipline and love and guidance to grow him into a Great child. As a mom, dad , parent, we often feel like we could just fall to the ground and crumble, we often feel alone 
judged, is it just us, are we doing ok, 
But after a reminder from friends , just Be You, be the best you can be, do the best you can , keep going strong, and these years are tiresome, but so rewarding.
With all our thankfulness and daily pushing through, we also have ticklists and wow ticklists are so 
awesome once they are completed or particularly completed. Some of our recent ticklists, have been completing a sandpit (Matthew has absolutely loved his time in there, one of the best investments), 
putting up our Christmas tree, painting a few homely things, hanging our tv( to prevent accidents), writing our Christmas list, resorting kiddie room, sourcing a second hand balance bike, finally putting plastic (inexpensive) on our dining room table, and booking Noddy.

Let me go, sending you all many many blessings, love and hugs, 
We are so looking forward to visiting a few  wonderfuls review spots soon, and I look forward to reviewing them back to you with possible giveaways included... Watch this space..
Fun depot Cape Town
Warwick wine farm child friendly picnics
Newlands kiddies day. Firefighters

Take care 
Me x 
Ps. For the first time in 30 months I was able to go out and do a little job, and I managed just fine #PNDovercomer .... 
Ps. And lately our little angel was recently enrolled in a little playgroup, even though this mommy is emotional for the next step of change, it feels so right. And the cherry on top is even though I had countless worries of how we would cover the fees, the day after enrollment I got offered another little job that covers the fee to the cent. How awesome is that. Thank you Lord.  

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Why you do all this for me mommy ...?

After yesterday shopping spree where I landed up covered in a stinky nappy 
that had leaked out the side of his nappy, I didn't think it would happen today again , this time I managed to save it .... And with this heavy Cape Town South Easter it doesn't make it easy .. Yikes
Anyway I planned to tidy a very messy house and spring clean Matthews bedroom ,but instead I landed up submitting a few blog proposals amongst some Preschool work, amongst some washing & a pop in coffee visiting friend, arriving with  well needed biscuits......
After mr m's haircut & visit to pick n pay, it was a off to builders warehouse, where I landed up pushing 8 bags of river sand& a 18kg toddler with my big bum sticking out, practically push-walking on my tippy toes,
Then home to pack the wheelbarrow, fill the sandpit, cover it up a& then continue to clean & sort the house , prepare dinner & run the bath before daddy walked in ,
ShuWee I've gained a muscle or 2 today.... Makes me appreciate the sandpit my folks made me , and the countless hours they put into housework. 

Why do we do this, because we love our wee little ones, :0)
Which reminds me somewhat of why Jesus died on the cross, ?.
Because he died for us , for all our sins?
Because He loves us.
Thank you Jesus 

Till next time 

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Not ashamed

I recently met a friend to coffee and cake at one of Cape Towns best mommy spots 
Bread & Butter Sunningdale Cape Town.

I hadn't seen this friend in months and we were able to have a good catch up. 
She encouraged me to read a great book called 

(Shepherding a Child’s Heart is about how to speak to the heart of your child. The things your child does and says flow from the heart. Luke 6:45 puts it this way: “…out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child’s heart into the paths of life.In this revised edition of Shepherding a Child’s Heart,Dr. Tedd Tripp not only draws on his thirty years experience as a pastor, counselor, school administrator, and father, but he also shares insights gained in many years of teaching this material in conferences worldwide, providing more valuable help for parents.)love gaining knowledge from books like these. After all we are here to raise our kids to become the best they can be and raise them in the way of God and let them go into the world with solid groundings values, with the light of Jesus leading them. 
She also noticed the change in my attitude towards life and the way I think, How I encourage, my positivity ,my goals , my parenting (daily challenges) but it's is not me  !she nailed it on the head. She said it's all thanx to Jesus. 
And no I'm not being heavy- it's all true. It's the peace, calmness, love, faith and willpower I get from HIM!

I encourage you in your parenting , Your marriage, your friendships, your everyday chores and duties to Persist , Always pray and do not lose heart,
 keep the faith,Keep on keeping on  ,
Hang in there ,What we believe will change our destiny,
 Encourage each other. Have grace. 
Respond in love Be gracious in all you do xxx

To end 
I'm not ashamed of the One who saved my soul. I'm so blessed to have come this far..... Everyday is a new day and a day to have the best day we can have.

Hugs & loves, 

Sunday, 9 November 2014

The LoVe of aToddler

Even though I feel like I have one of the busiest toddlers around, and after having 3/7 days last week, where I felt  like the Duracell bunny was never going to stop jumping.....
Even though I had moved my house around 3 times last week in order to prevent him from climbing onto the lounge windows or the kitchen windows......

Even though marriage is tough at times, and there are some challenging moments.......

Even though the potty training is improving everyday, it's a challenge of the constant reminders or clean ups. A couple many of them at times. .....
Even though my house is often a lot of work, I've grown to love my home .....

Even though I have one strong willed boy with a strong mind and physically strong too......
As strong as he is, he hates the typical Cape Town South Easter :0( and loves to close the windows and hide in his tent rolled up......

Even though I feel like the wooden spoon is stuck in my hand a bit often these days ......
Even though I feel like I have the toughest job around .....
Even though I feel like a woman with no significant title other than a daughter mom and wife and ex 
teacher ...

Even though I feel like I clean most of the day ....
Even though our budget is pretty tight

I love love love love what I do .... I love being a stay at home mommy , 

I love welcoming my hard working hubby home at night , 

I love that I have learnt to love my home, it's not just a house, but a home, I love that I can love my 

I love shopping for groceries with a busy toddler on board, 
I love stopping for a quick , super quick baby chino with him before or after a shop. 
I love having the patience to be the mom and wife I was created to be ,
 I love that I can have the teeny bit of extra energy to pack my husbands lunch, bag & put out his clothes for his next days work and pamper (at times ) to his needs. 

I love that I can take my time to get myself and my boy ready for the days activities ahead and stop to smell the roses on the way out.

I love that I can cuddle and smother him in kisses all day long.

I love that I can have friends and peers for him to embrace us, pick us up, care for us and keep us challenged.

I love that he is full of his blessed energy to climb, grow and learn.

I love that we have God as our centre, God as our provider, God as our peace keeper, God as our 
strength and I'm glad that my boy knows where HE is, in his heart.

I love that my husband and I can still treat ourselves twice a year or more to a few date nights, even though getting dressed and origanised is a little more challenging these
So grateful for my handy hubby who could build this awesome sandpit to keep mr moo busy....
See Pinterest link. Overcoming mom Kim Ingpen gardening 
And I love that I can have another year (next year) at home with  our boy.  I pray it goes well and I look forward to adding a daily preschool curriculum. I love the fact that I get to teach my own, my one pupil, and I'm grateful for experienced ones around me.
I'm grateful for my Lord above, my family , husband and wonderful friends & a super church family.
We are so blessed.....

Who would ever have thought this Overcoming mom Would ever say all of the above :0)
On that note another blessing in my life is the awesome triplet mommy Melissa who is exceptionally creative,

This week she is giving away a family set(4) of Christmas Balls in order to prepare us for the celebration of our Wonderful Jesus's Birthday = Christmas
If you'd like to win your own personal set, please share & like her Facebook Page
Competition will run till midday Wednesday 12 November

Till next time

God bless
Me xxx